Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunshine Award

So I don't normally post twice in one day, but McKenzie McCann gave me an award, and I was so excited that I had to post this immediately. It's my first blog award!

OK, so here goes:

The rules are to:
-Thank the person who gave it to you. (Thanks, McKenzie!)
-Write a post about it.
-Pass it on.
-Answer the questions below.

  1. Favorite Color? Purple! And red. Often in combination (notice "fashion sense" is not listed among my talents).
  2. Favorite Animal? I love ducks, but only as a collectible (rubber duckies, etc.). Otherwise, they're vicious little beasts. Other than that, probably pigs or dogs.
  3. Favorite Number? 73. It was my number when I played softball as a kid. Everyone always picked 7 and 3, so eventually I just combined them.
  4. Favorite (non-alcoholic) drink? Vanilla coke. Ugh, I'm so addicted. I use to go through a 12-pack a week in college (yeah, we're still talking about soda).
  5. Facebook or Twitter? Mmm, I think Twitter. I like Facebook, but Twitter was really set up for someone like me. I have these random bursts where I really, really need to tell the world about what I did (I wish I could say these were monumental occasions). Facebook lets you do that, but not as efficiently. They both have their strengths as marketing tools though.
  6. My passion? Besides writing (I like how everyone feels the need to add this), I'm passionate about television. I majored in it in college, and for awhile I thought I wanted to be an editor for a TV show or to write television reviews (which I still do sometimes). I watch about 30 shows a week religiously, and I track ratings and network information as well. And the other half of my time is spent telling people I'm not a bum for watching that much TV--I'm doing research for my reviews!
  7. Getting or Giving presents? That's a close one. Probably giving. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love getting presents, but there's something so nice about picking out the perfect gift for someone.
  8. Favorite pattern? Plaid. I have a plaid comforter on my bed, and it's the comfiest-looking thing in the world. It doesn't help my writing when all I want to do is curl up under it and be cozy.
  9. Favorite day of the week? Saturday. I know it's cliche, but I don't care.
  10. Favorite flower? I guess wildflowers. Or something else brightly colored. I'm not really a flower person.

And so now I'm going to pass this on:

  1. K.S. Lewis
  2. Kyra Lennon (I know you were already tagged by McKenzie, but now you get it twice)
  3. Emily R. King
  4. Cassie Mae


  1. I love purple and red together. And I'm addicted to certain TV shows. Can't get enough of the CW. (don't judge!) :)

    And thanks for the pass along! Wahoo!

  2. Tobi, I'm so excited that you commented on my blog!

    I've never been a purple fan because I'm brown, and I feel like it makes me look like a giant bruise, but RED, now that's a color I love.

    Also, I'm working on the twitter thing. I don't quite get it. Thus, the reason my tweets are lameish.

    I'm so excited to meet another writer. I will now follow you like a crazed stalker.

  3. Thanks for tagging me! I like a good plaid, too. So long as there's red in it. : )

  4. Congratulations! Do you prefer your plaid to be purple and red as well?

  5. I'm thrilled to have given your first award. You deserve it.
    Plaid is a lovely pattern. I'm wearing a plaid shirt right now, actually.

  6. I'm also a huge plaid fan, and am ashamed to say that I have no fashion sense whatsoever. (Not sure if those two statements are related. Plaid seems to be "in", but maybe it's just my wishful thinking.") Anyway, great answers!

  7. Aww, thanks for the award! Red and purple are excellent choices - and they could be worn together just...very carefully lol!

  8. Fashion sense, who needs it? And if you don't say Saturdays I'm going to wonder if you're crazy!

  9. Perfect answers! Love it! And I've had a thing for ducks lately. We even bought one last year. He lives at the pond near our house. So fun to go visit him. And love purple too! It was one of my wedding colors! :)

  10. My favourite day of the week is Friday afternoon/evening :P Saturday is too close to Sunday which is too close to Monday ;)
