Monday, February 6, 2012

Quinn on the Couch

OK, here goes. I need to get to know no character more than Quinn, my MC for Rosetta, so let's see what she has to say to these questions from the I'm Hearing Voices! Character Blogfest:

  1. What is your biggest vulnerability? Do others know this or is it a secret?
    Oh, God, everything. I'm a lousy fighter, I'm too emotional, and I have a tendency to, you know, panic in the middle of a battle. And that's definitely not a secret. I wish it was, but, yeah.
  2. What do people believe about you that is false?
    I guess people think that because I don't complain, I'm okay with everything that they do. I've just never seen the point in confronting every issue head on. But that doesn't mean I like what they're doing.
  3. What would your best friend say is your fatal flaw? Why?
    She'd probably say that it's that I give people too many chances, and I don't learn from my mistakes. I guess that's true. I have trouble holding a grudge sometimes, and I want to trust people even though I've been burned before.
  4. What would the same friend say is your one redeeming quality? Why?
    *laughs* Okay, let's be clear here. Her opinion and mine are very different on this subject. She'd say that my ability to approach any situation logically is my biggest redeeming quality. Which is all well and good when you have the time to sit there and make a pro-con list, but it doesn't help much in the heat of a fight, when you need to make decisions off the cuff.
  5. What do you want most? What will you do to get it?
    Honestly? Not much. I want my brother and sister to come back to the Pack. I want to stop panicking every time I get pinned in a fight, and I want to stop feeling helpless all the time. And the only way I can think of to get is to become the best damn Pack Guardian and train until all that fear is gone.

Well. That was considerably more difficult than I expected it to be (not what I'd like to think after conversing with the main character of a novel I just spent seven months writing). Clearly, I have quite a bit more to learn about Quinn.


  1. Quinn sounds awesome! Her voice is so vibrant! Good job :)

  2. Hi, DV! I'm a new follower.
    I like Quinn a lot. She's real and funny. Any character who can laugh at herself is a keeper. : )

    1. :-) Thanks! And thank you for following me! I've been lurking on your blog for awhile, and I think it's great.

  3. DV--I LOVE Quinn's answer to the first question. It is so refreshing to read a character who thinks everything is her vulnerability :) And her voice just shines here.

  4. I like the stubbornness and the challenge to herself to become the very best guardian. I also think she has a since of humor :)

    1. She does! In a bit of a self-deprecating way at least. Those are actually some of my favorite qualities about her, the stubbornness and the sense of humor.

  5. Quinn sounds like a real person. Nice job!

  6. Quinn sounds pretty cool, but I totally read she to be a he?

    1. Haha, wow, that would make a few things that happen to her a little awkward... :-)


  7. Quinn sounds cool, and a-typical which is nice. I love that she doesn't hold grudges.

    p.s. one of my MC's is named Quinn, kinda. Her name is Quinndalin, but she goes by Quinn--but they are very different. My Quinn isn't really sane, while your Quinn seems quite sane.

    1. Quinndalin is an awesome name! I briefly considered Quinnifer, but ultimately decided just to go with Quinn (though she was originally Becky, then Bailey).

  8. Quinn sounds like such a fascinating character, with several facets to her personality. Nice interview!

  9. Quinn sounds like she's got a lot of responsibility but not much confidence in her abilities. Great interview!
