Thursday, June 21, 2012


Wow. This is my 100th post since I started this blog back in October. So I thought I'd make a list of the 10 (because 100 is a lot) things I've learned since then (in no particular order).

  1. You have to reach out to others if you want them to reach out to you.
  2. There's a difference between people who write and people who say they want to write.
  3. There's no difference between people who write and people who are paid to write (well, except the money).
  4. Try to make decisions early about pen names and website URLs because changing them is a pain, especially once you have more followers.
  5. April is a very long month when you're trying to blog everyday.
  6. As much as possible, avoid being condescending. Even the best advice will be ignored if people think you're looking down on them.
  7. Everyone's writing process is unique.
  8. Be true to yourself. Unless you're Jeffrey Dahmer, people will like you more for your honesty.
  9. It's as much fun to give away books to other people as it is to win them for yourself.
  10. The online writing community is one of the nicest, safest places in the world.

Also, a few random notes:

  • Go check out Falling for Fiction to get some advice on critiquing and being critiqued.
  • The Girls Just Wanna Have Fun bloghop is tomorrow! Also, check out my sidebar for some other bloghops that are coming up. Right there. On the left. No, the other left.
  • If you've never used the program Evernote, I advise everyone to check it out. I've been using it almost exclusively for my new WIP, Wallflower, and I love it. I have separate notes for all my characters, notes, and random plot snippets, which works out really well since I'm writing the book out of order (no, I can't explain why. It's just happening. I'm as confused as you are). Plus, it syncs to the website, my desktop app, and my phone app, meaning I'm virtually never without the notes for this story. Did I mention I love it?
    *This post is in no way sponsored by or endorsed by Evernote.

That's about it. Have a good Thursday, everyone!


  1. Ha! #8 is hilarious. Thanks for sharing, Tobi. And congrats on 100 posts!

  2. Congratulations on 100 posts! YAY! And I agree about April being a really long month! lol. WOW! That is a lot of posting, but so fun! I like all your 10 things so much, I can't even pick a favorite!

  3. Congrats on 100 posts! Great tips. Found you through the blog hop and got distracted by these great tips ;)

    I am newly blogging and doing the reaching out to make friends part, so am going to follow you ;)
