Monday, July 2, 2012

June Wrap Up

Seriously, guys, where did 2012 go? How could it possibly be halfway over already?

On the bright note, June was a way better month for me than May. I think I managed to accomplish most of my goals. Here's the breakdown.

  • Write 10,5000 words. I wrote 10,700.
  • Have a polished MS for CH, along with a complete query letter and synopsis. I don't have a polished CH yet, but I do have a complete(ish) query letter and synopsis. Well, a complete first draft of each. And I'm halfway through another round of edits on CH.
  • Get 125 followers on Twitter and 75 followers on my blog. I have 132 followers on Twitter and 77 followers on my blog. (and a happy dance)
  • Enter at least two bloghops. I did the First Fight, First Kiss Blogfest and the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Bloghop.

Woo-hoo! Not too shabby! And now for July's goals:

  • Write 11,000 words. The 500 words/day goal is pretty easy, but it worked out well last month because I was able to do a lot more editing. So I think I'll stick with it for another month.
  • Have a polished MS for CH, along with a complete query letter and synopsis. If I keep making it a goal, someday I might actually achieve it.
  • Get 150 followers on Twitter and 100 followers on my blog.
  • Enter at least two bloghops. Right now I'm thinking about the Hookers and Hangers Bloghop and the What If Blogfest.
  • Submit at least one short story for a contest/magazine submission. I finished a short story last month that I'd love to do something with, so I might try to send it out to a few places. It's MG fantasy (dragons and stuff), so if you know of any place that it might fit, please let me know.

I hope everyone else had a productive June. Here's to a great July!


  1. Wow, these are interesting goals!

  2. Congratulations on your accomplishments and on setting new goals for yourself! And thanks for linking the blog fests. :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  3. Ooh! Both bloghops I'm hosting!!! :) *does jedi mind wave* you want to enter these bloghops :)

    I love your goal recaps :) Yay for all the checkmarks!

  4. Congrats on accomplishing your goals! That's awesome! Good luck with your July goals! :)

  5. My goal has been getting followers on my blog, period. I haven't been doing much writing since the kids got out of school. I've been building a new blog. It was the only way to get the Follower gadget to work again.

    I got a whole month's worth of blog posts scheduled, too.

    Glad you're reaching your goals. :) I'll be glad when the kids are in school again so I can write. ;)
