Wednesday, July 18, 2012


And now here's the second part of the Hookers & Hangers Blogfest. Turns out I'm significantly better at Hangers than Hookers, because it was a lot harder to choose, and that was even after leaving out a few that included spoilers. Thanks to everyone at Falling for Fiction for hosting this (and generally being awesome)! (For my Hookers, click here.)

Capitoline Hill

  1. I nodded, feeling his dark expression in my gut. “Yes sir.”
  2. “The only way we can truly know,” Donovan said, very seriously, “when the other person is dead.”
  3. Which leaves us with two choices: kill them or let them join us.”

Other Books

  1. She watched all these people laughing and having fun and wondered, just for a minute, what was wrong with her that she didn’t enjoy this too. - Defenders
  2. You’re under arrest for murder. - Defenders
  3. That’s how they know what I am. - Angels
  4. I turned my back on him and stormed off. - Angels
  5. "Well," I said when everyone was seated as comfortably as they were going to get, "what do we do now?" - Angels

I really enjoyed reading everyone's Hookers, and I'm looking forward to the Hangers too!

Also, if you're interested in something that sounds really cool, check out DL Hammons' WRiTE CLUB. Click on the picture for more details.


  1. Ooh, LOVE C.H. #3! Very intriguing. :)

  2. These are amazing. Hard to pick a favorite. I like #2 from Capitoline Hill the most, I think!

  3. Cool stuff! I really like all of the ones from Capitoline Hill!

  4. I really liked #3 on Capitoline Hill, great hangers!

  5. #1 is interesting. I want to know what happened before that she's now agreeing to.

  6. How do you know when the other person is dead? What do they have to do? Are they going to let them live?
    Oh my goodness! This book sounds sooooooo good! Love the darkness, the mix of humor and intensity, excellent!
    And your other hangers are fantastic too! You rock and hookers AND hangers!

  7. I'm with Hope. Your hangers leave all sorts of questions. And make me want to read the next chapter to find out what is happening. Great job! Love #3.

  8. All three of these sound like a page turning story. So why aren't these in print yet?????? Great last lines. Seriously:)

  9. "She watched all these people laughing and having fun and wondered, just for a minute, what was wrong with her that she didn’t enjoy this too. - Defenders"


  10. Capitoline Hill No 3 - awesome!

  11. I love the first #3 best. Now that's how a hanger should read!

  12. I agree, Capitoline Hill #3 is awesome! So is #2. It sounds as if these books are action packed!

  13. I agree with some of the other posters, #3 is my favourite :)

  14. #5 of Angels. I love the, they were seated as comfortably as they could get.

  15. Great hangers. I think #3 of the first set is my fave, but they're all so intriguing!

  16. Wow, you really are good at hangers! :D I actually like the first one best--because of "feeling his dark expression in my gut." A unique and vivid way to describe it. :)

  17. These are great!! Capitoline Hill #2 and the other #2 (Defenders) are my favorite.

  18. These are great. Capitoline Hill sounds wonderful just from the hooks and hangers alone.

  19. Ooo, do they kill them or have them join them?? That sounds like a super tough decision...

    Thanks so much for hoppin' around with us! Glad you enjoyed it :)

  20. I like #1 of Defenders. I can relate to that the most. Great Hangers. This so much fun.

  21. I really like all these... but I think this is my fave:

    I nodded, feeling his dark expression in my gut. “Yes sir.”

    I just like the idea of the character feeling somebody's dark expression like that :)

    The others are a bit more dramatic though, and I love dramatic hangers!

  22. Ooh, very nice. I think the idea behind this blogfest is a good one!

  23. those are some great hook lines!
    nice job!

  24. I think one of the coolest things about being part of these blogfests is that I look at my writing in different ways. I love that.

  25. Wow, I'd definitely keep reading! Great job!

  26. #3 of the Capitoline Hill was my favorite!

    And thank you for the WRiTE CLUB mention! Can't wait to get the ball rolling! :)

  27. CONGRATULATIONS! You have won the Versatile Blogger Award. :D
