Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dust It Off Bloghop - Day 1

Woo-hoo, it's time for the Dust It Off Bloghop, hosted by Cortney Pearson and Theresa Paolo.

The Dust It Off Bloghop will be three days, May 3rd, 5th and 7th.

We've all had those manuscripts that we poured our heart into, fell in love with the characters and still think of them at random, but unfortunately had to shelf. Now it's time for a little spring cleaning. Take out those manuscripts and Dust It Off!

The first day, May 3rd: We want you to post a 1-2 sentence pitch (Great way to practice pitches) about the shelved WIP.

The second day, May 5th: Post your favorite excerpt (300-350 words)

The third day, May 7th: Post what you learned from this WIP. You become a stronger, more rounded writer which each manuscript and we want to know what this particular work taught you.

It's with some trepidation that I'm going to use the very first novel(la) I ever wrote, Three Left. I was 12 when I finished it so... I apologize.

Charlie, Amber, Raissa, and Sal thought they were four ordinary kids, until they realized they were each gifted with a special power. When they meet a mysterious man named Alec, they are sent on a quest to use their powers to save lives... and learn more about themselves in the process.

Go check out many more great pitches here!


  1. Tobi, I love that you wrote this when you were twelve! And I think it's a great premise, I want to know what their powers are! :D

  2. Raissa, that's a cool name.

    I started several writing projects about the same age, but I never finished any. Then I took a huge break from writing and am now back.

    Your title, Three left, makes me wonder if something happens to one.

  3. You wrote that when you were 12?! That's awesome! Like Cortney, I want to know what their powers are too!

  4. You were how old!? I am impressed just with that! Nice pitch. :)

  5. 12 years old?! That is so cool! You have some good bones there. I look forward to your excerpt :)

  6. I absolutely love the fact that you chose a WIP from when you were 12! It shows just how long a WIP can stay with you. I still remember things I wrote way, way back when lol but nothing to the caliber of yours. The pitch totally intrigued me. What kind of powers do they have? Can't wait for the excerpt.

  7. That starts today? O.O
    I completely forgot. Well, no time like the present.

  8. I'm a sucker for a book about kids with powers. ;) And the title makes me curious, too.
