Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September Wrap Up


It's been a pretty tough couple of months for me, writing-wise. As much as I'm finally moving forward on Capitoline Hill, I've been totally stalled on everything else. I made a half-hearted effort at Angels this month, but I hit a brick wall a week or so in.

I know what the problem is. I've reached a point in all my existing stories where the characters have to start moving towards the main goal. Which is the point where I realize the story doesn't have a main goal.

My pre-production--for lack of a better word--sucks. I don't outline. I don't even think past the opening chapters half the time. So it's no wonder that I get to the middle of the beginning of the story and crash and burn.

I've been making an effort at improving lately, but it's not going as well as I'd hoped. I wrote down everything I know for CH2, which I want to write during NaNo, and it turns out... there's only ten bullet points, most of which relate to the romantic subplot and not the main plot. So I'm trying not to panic that I'll be winging it during NaNo.

OK. Whining over now. I'm sure looking at my goals for September will make me (not) feel better.

September's goals:

  • Write 10,000 words, mostly for Angels. Well. That didn't happen. I did write words for Angels. A few at least.
  • Enter at least one bloghop and post at least one blog post (not including Teaser Tuesday). I did. I entered the Genre Blogfest (a little late, but better than never), and I posted about Kyra Lennon's novella cover.
  • Be a better CP. I read one of them. Well, that's something.

Also, I started querying agents for CH, which I consider the biggest victory of all. Having accomplished that goal makes me feel better about the ones I missed.

And now, here are my goals for October:

  • Outline CH2. This one is pretty important, seeing how I won't have another opportunity before NaNo.
  • Query 14 more agents for CH. That will bring my total up to 25.
  • Get through my CP pile. For real this time.
  • Carve out a few hours a week that are solely devoted to writing. I think part of the reason I've been having trouble lately is because I'm unfocused, which comes from doing other things when I should be writing. Then I feel guilty about not writing, and a vicious circle begins. A lot of people talk about making writing part of your daily schedule. I need to be better about that.

Do you have any goals for October? Also, who's doing NaNo? Anyone want to set up a writers' group or message board or something to help motivate us?


  1. Everyone falls behind sometimes, it can't be helped! But if you're querying, that's a good thing.

    And winging NaNo is possibly the best way to do it LOL! But, I wing everything ;)

  2. September was a bummer month for me. I feel like I did a lot, but didn't get anywhere. You're doing awesome, Tobi. Keep writing, and best of luck querying. :)

  3. Querying is an awesome goal to have achieved and good luck with it!

    (Can be any help with the outline? Email me, we can try and hash it out maybe?!)

  4. NaNo's all about winging, I heard! I'll be there for the first time this year. Let's cheer each other on. :)

    And you have made an awesome achievement in getting out there on query. You finished that book, you can definitely do it again. And take the time to breathe and listen to your characters... maybe you'll find they will tell you what their goals and motivations are. :)

  5. Don't let yourself get dragged down by any missed goals. The trick, which I'm still learning too, haha, is just to get back up and meet your new goals.

    And, woah, querying is awesome! Yay!

    You need any pow-wow sessions to prep for NaNo just let me know. Always happy to talk stuff out. Don't worry, this is just a rut you're going to overcome and then you'll look back and be like, 'whew, glad that's in the past.'

  6. Goals are good. I make them each month. Interestingly enough they look strangely similar to the ones from the month before.
