Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for Blogging

I've been a "blogger" since 2009, when I started my TV review blog. I started this blog in October 2010. But until this year, my idea of blogging was posting once or twice a month and occasionally reading something that someone else posted. I think I had one follower until February, when I decided it was time for me to actually start developing an online presence.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

I've only really been doing this for two months, but in that time, I think I've learned so much more about writing than I had in years before. Suddenly I'm exposed to so many of the different styles people have, and I'm talking to fabulous authors who are all different stages in their writing. It's been amazing for both my writing and my personal growth.

And maybe more than that, there's acceptance. This is a place where I fit, a place where there are other people who understand that the inside of my head is scarier and weirder than any real place. People who don't give me that look when I tell them I was talking to a few of my characters yesterday (come on, you all know the look). Don't get me wrong; I have friends IRL who understand it too, but not very many.

So, thank you to everyone who's made me feel so comfortable and accepted here in the last few months. Because of you, I have a new drive to work on my writing and to send my (soon-to-be) completed MS out into the world to see what it can do. I'm better focused and motivated because of all of you.

And I'm kind of a sap sometimes. Sorry about that.


  1. Only two months! That is amazing. The blogging community is pretty great :) I love how accepting they are!

  2. Aw! A little sap never hurts, ^_^. I've loved both your blogs. I hope your experiences continue to be awesome.

  3. I like the the sap! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I've learned so much about writing from blogging as well. What an awesome community this is!

    1. It really is! Everyone I've met so far has just been wonderful.

  4. So glad you're blogging! I really love the bloggy community and meeting so many awesome people!!

  5. Aww, you're awesome! :HUGS: I've only revived my blog in the last few months (I had a LJ for years, though), but everyone is making me feel welcome, too. Great community!

    Happy Monday!
    Jaycee's A-Z

    1. Aw, thanks! *hugs back* Yeah, I love this place!

  6. I feel the same way about this community! I'm glad you joined in, Tobi. It wouldn't be the same without you. :)

  7. I love blogging because of the community! I feel like I really get to connect to people.

    1. Definitely! People I'd probably never meet otherwise because of the places we live. It's wonderful.

      Thanks for commenting!

  8. Yay for blogging! Where would I be without all my fellow lovely bloggers (that means you!) who comment on my posts and write such great things for me to read? :)

  9. You're not a sap - we are all really awesome. ;)
    So glad you're having a great time!
