Wednesday, October 9, 2013


PACK MENTALITY is live on Amazon! Thank you to everyone who helped/supported me/encouraged me/didn't tell me to shut up when I was rambling about this book. I'm so excited to introduce Quinn and her Pack to all of you.

Buy PACK MENTALITY on Amazon here.

On that note, I'd love to do a blog tour to promote PACK MENTALITY at the end of the month (October 24-31). If you're interested in or would be willing to host me, please either let me know in the comments or email me at

And the winners of the PACK MENTALITY giveaway are Nick Wilford and Dave H. Congratulations, guys! I'll be emailing you to find out in what format you'd like your prize.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! The pack is out there in the wild now, alright. :)

    Thanks!! My second giveaway win this week - coolness!

    And of course I'll help with the tour. I'm good for any day except the 26th. (I'm glad I started keeping a calendar for guest posts!)
